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When Rand Paul Ended Filibuster, He Left Drones On National Stage
Senators from both parties joined the Republican from Kentucky, who opposes John O. Brennan to lead the C.I.A. and said he would “speak until I can no longer speak.”
Rand Paul, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Kentucky. If I had planned to speak for 13 hours when I took the Senate floor Wednesday, I would've worn more comfortable shoes. I started my filibuster with the words, “I rise
But there's one cover that the magazine could run now and be entirely confident in: "The Republican Messenger: How Rand Paul became the real voice of the GOP." Mo Elleithee. That's right. At least for the time being, tea party darling Sen. Rand Paul is
Rand Paul for his filibuster, saying Paul got a national conversation started about why the military is “droning everybody.” “Let's encourage Republicans when they do something close to good,” Maher said Friday on his HBO
“Rand Paul's thing about, 'I have to have this answer whether Obama can kill Americans on American soil,' every time somebody – who I'm sure is a very proud Christian – talks about how they can't do it to Americans, but foreigners? F—- them,” Maher said.
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